Thursday, 18 December 2014

Christmas Stockings

We have been busy sewing Christmas Stockings and decorating them. Don't they look fab!?

Trapped in a Snow Globe

This week we have been making snow globes in which we are trapped! We've also written stories about living inside a snow globe, which were great to read.

We Love Polar Bears

We have been learning all about polar bears and have found out some interesting facts about them.  For example, did you know they have black skin and webbed feet? We did some research and used this to make our own information pages on the computer.
Along the way we found out how polar bears are endangered because the ice is melting.  We have designed posters to tell people how we can help to save polar bears.

Monday, 15 December 2014

Save Olaf!

Today we have been doing a science investigation .... We know that Olaf loves warm hugs and the summer, so we need to keep him cold for as long as possible before Elsa can give him his own personal flurry. We have wrapped mini Olafs in different materials and have kept one as a control to see which one keeps Olaf as cold and as ice for longest. We had great fun!

Tinsel and Tea-towels

These are some photos from our Christmas production of 'Tinsel and Tea-towels'.  The children worked so hard learning lines and songs. Their performances were outstanding as they sang their hearts out.

Tuesday, 9 December 2014

The Northern Lights

As part of our Winter Wonderland topic we have created our own pictures of the Northern Lights using pastels.  We studied the shape of bare winter trees and then drew them on the horizon. Don't they look beautiful!

Winter Wonderland

This half term has been a very busy one as we have been learning about the polar regions as well as getting ready for Christmas.  We have read some lovely traditional Inuit stories called 'The Polar Bear Son' and 'Ka-ha-si and the Loon'. The children have enjoyed reading these stories and have produced some lovely writing.


As part of our PE lessons we have been having tennis coaching. We've been learning lots of skills and having fun a long the way!

Children in Need

For Children in Need we did some fun activities linking our measuring in maths to chocolate! How far can you blow a malteser?  We had a great time!